Join our Community Advisory Group
In December 2024 Council established the Yanchep Coastal Management Advisory Group to assist with the development and implementation of a long-term coastal management measures along the Yanchep coastline to address existing issues with coastal erosion and beach access.
The group will act as a conduit to the wider community to disseminate project information, receive input on community preferences, and resolve community concerns or issues throughout all stages of the Yanchep Coastal Management Project.
If you would like to be part of this group and contribute your local knowledge and experience into the study, applications are now open for six (6) positions for members of the public to join our Yanchep Coastal Management Advisory Group.
Completed nomination forms must be received at the City of Wanneroo by Friday 21 February 2025. Full details are provided on this webpage, including the nomination forms and selection criteria (see tabs below) and Terms of Reference (in the Further Reading section).
If you require this information in an alternative format or have any queries, please contact Rory Ellyard, Principle Coastal Engineer on (08) 9405 5883.
If you want to be involved but need additional support, contact us now!
Other ways to have a say
Community engagement will extend beyond the Community Advisory Group. As outlined on this webpage, surveys and community information sessions will be held at key milestones in the project, questions can be asked (publicly or privately) via this page, and updates will be provided by email, social media and other channels.
Full details on the community engagement
Yanchep Coastal Management Study Area

The City of Wanneroo Coastal Hazard Risk Management and Adaptation Plan (CHRMAP), which was completed in 2018, identified a number of sites vulnerable to coastal erosion along the Yanchep coastline. This study recommended that a detailed options assessment is conducted for the management of coastal vulnerability at Yanchep.
Additionally, since 2018 excessive winter storm erosion has resulted in the need for ongoing beach renourishment at the Yanchep Lagoon to maintain beach access, minimise loss of dune and improve beach functionality/amenity. These are the key drivers for the project.
Further information on the project background is available on the links under Further Reading.
Purpose of the Community Engagement
- To seek feedback from local residents, Aboriginal knowledge holders and visitors to the area on coastal management issues and the development of coastal management options to address long term erosion, beach usability and beach accessibility.
- The purpose of the Yanchep Coastal Management Community Advisory Group will be to provide input into the development and implementation of coastal management measures along the Yanchep coastline.
- Engagement with Aboriginal Knowledge Holders will ensure that the coastal management approach is acceptable for relevant Heritage Sites for Section 18 approval prior to implementation.
- Information collected from the community and Aboriginal knowledge holders will contribute to the selection and design of a preferred coastal management approach.
- The engagement will also provide an opportunity to update the wider community on project progress, upcoming beach closures and construction works and the City’s intentions to manage coastal issues along the Yanchep coastline into the future.
Nomination Form
Keep informed
If you would like to be kept up-to-date on this project, click on the + Follow button at the top of the page.
You will then receive an email at key stages of the project.
If you have any questions, check out the Further Reading section. If you still have any queries, go to the “Ask further questions” section and add your question, then we’ll answer it, and include this information in the Community Advisory Group meetings.
Note: on-line questions will be public. If you wish to contact us directly, click on the email in the “Contact Us” section.