Proposal details

Notice is hereby given that the local government of the City of Wanneroo has prepared the above-mentioned Scheme Amendment No. 214 to District Planning Scheme No. 2 (DPS2) to initiate a District Development Contribution Plan (DDCP) for the East Wanneroo District Structure Plan. The below outlines the infrastructure items and criteria proposed by the DDCP:

Key (Community) Infrastructure Items

  • District Open Space (including pavilion) x 5 (excludes land acquisition)
  • District Multicourt / Hard Courts Space x 5 (includes land acquisition)
  • District Community Centre x 4 (includes land acquisition)
  • District Indoor Recreation Centre x 1 (includes land acquisition)
  • District Library x 2 (includes land acquisition)
  • Art Gallery x 1 (includes land acquisition)

Integrator Arterial Roads

Includes Elliott Road, Lenore Road, Franklin Road, Badgerup Road, Sydney Road, Lakeview Road, Hawkins Road and Neaves Road located within the East Wanneroo District Structure Plan area. Works include the cost of acquiring land and the construction of full earthworks, comprised of two lanes and associated drainage and shared pathways.

Wetland Management

Includes the cost of wetland management plans and implementation of required actions for Mariginiup Lake, Lake Adams, Gnangara Lake, Badgerup Lake and Jandabup Lake, including implementation of rehabilitation and weed management strategies for a period of 5 years.

Method for Calculating Contribution

The DDCP utilises the per-hectare model of calculating development contributions for the abovementioned items (charged at a per square metre rate). Contributions are levied over areas/lots which are capable of residential development when developed or subdivided and thereby generate the need for shared infrastructure within the community.

Administration Costs

Costs associated with the preparation, management and implementation of the DDCP.

Development Contribution Plan Report (Costs)

The DCP Report provides estimated costs associated with the implementation of Amendment No. 214 over a 50-year period. The cost report reflects the estimated costs at the time of preparing Amendment No. 214 and will be updated upon final consideration by Council. The cost implications for the various infrastructure are currently estimated as per the following:

  • Total Community $213,274,352
  • Total Regional Roads $318,472,800
  • Total Wetland Management $24,688,078
  • Total Administration $19,479,511

Minutes of Ordinary Council Meeting - Tuesday, 13 August 2024 can be found by clicking this link.

To Comment

Submit your feedback using the form below, you can also attach additional documents (plan, diagrams, photographs etc).

For your feedback to be considered, you must provide your full contact details. This information will be treated as confidential and will not be published or linked to your comments in any public report on the outcomes of the consultation.

We will also keep you updated on the progress of this proposal.