Proposal details
The abovementioned development application is being advertised for public comment and proposes the following:
- Sand/limestone extraction within an area of 13.78 ha to a maximum depth no greater than 12m from natural surface;
- The prosed development is estimated to yield approximately 1,109,661m3 of sand for use in surrounding land development projects;
- Extraction is to occur over 7 stages, with each stage to comprise of an area less than 2ha open to extraction at any given time;
- Sand/limestone extraction is to be completed by Urban Resources, with haulage proposed to use 19m trucks;
- Operational hours of Mon-Fri: 7:00am to 6:00pm and Sat: 7:00am to 12:00pm. No works are to occur on Sundays or Public Holidays.
- Maximum of 146 haulage vehicle movements per day.
To Comment
Submit your feedback using the form below, you can also attach additional documents (plan, diagrams, photographs etc).
For your feedback to be considered, you must provide your full contact details. This information will be treated as confidential and will not be published or linked to your comments in any public report on the outcomes of the consultation.
We will also keep you updated on the progress of this proposal.
Following the conclusion of the consultation period the application will then proceed to be determined by the Metro Outer Development Assessment Panel.