Proposal details

The abovementioned development application is being advertised for public comment and proposes the following:

  • A Small Bar which intends to provide coffee and café style food in the morning and in the afternoon and evenings transition to a Small Bar serving alcohol and food;
  • A maximum of 44 patrons at any given time;
  • A maximum of three staff members at any given time;
  • Intended Licensed Hours of 6am to midnight with actual operational hours as follows:
    • Monday – Saturday – 6am-9pm; and
    • Sunday 11am-7pm.

To Comment

Submit your feedback using the form below, you can also attach additional documents (plan, diagrams, photographs etc).

For your feedback to be considered, you must provide your full contact details. This information will be treated as confidential and will not be published or linked to your comments in any public report on the outcomes of the consultation.

We will also keep you updated on the progress of this proposal.

Following the conclusion of the consultation period the application will then proceed to be determined by the City’s Administration.