Proposal details

Public comment is invited on Amendment No. 9 which proposes to:

  • Change the zoning from ‘Business’ to ‘Residential’ for the eastern portion of Lot 9070 (1) Darbyshire Parade, Alkimos bound by Marmion Avenue, Darbyshire Parade, Trethowan Promenade and Howden Parade; and
  • Reduce the density coding range from R60 – R100 down to R20 – R60.

Please note: The structure plan amendment is being advertised to seek public comment on the proposal. The advertising of the structure plan amendment does not indicate any formal support of the proposal by the City of Wanneroo or the Western Australian Planning Commission.

To Comment

Submit your feedback using the form below, you can also attach additional documents (plan, diagrams, photographs etc).

For your feedback to be considered, you must provide your full contact details. This information will be treated as confidential and will not be published or linked to your comments in any public report on the outcomes of the consultation.

We will also keep you updated on the progress of this proposal.

Location Plan

Location Plan

Please provide your feedback