Butler / Ridgewood - Proposed Amendment No. 212 to District Planning Scheme No. 2 (Ref 48493)

  • Planning and Development Act 2005
  • Local Planning Scheme Amendment Available for Inspection
  • City of Wanneroo District Planning Scheme No. 2 - Amendment No. 212

Residents may not be aware that many houses in Butler and Ridgewood are in fact located on land zoned Mixed Use or Commercial under a Structure Plan.

Structure Plans are a temporary plan that guide the initial development of residential estates. Structure Plans are revoked when an area reaches full development and the City’s District Planning Scheme 2 then takes over.

Now that Butler and Ridgewood have mostly been built out, the City wants to change the zone to Residential for the vast majority of houses that were built in the Mixed Use or Commercial zones. This occurred because as the land developed there was significant demand for housing and less demand for commercial than was expected when the structure plans were prepared.

The proposed rezoning under Amendment 212 is being done in the City’s District Planning Scheme No.2. Putting the Residential zoning into the Scheme will replace the zoning in the old Structure Plans and ensure the Residential zone is applied to nearly all of the houses that have been built in the Butler and Ridgewood areas.

Advertising Notice

Notice is hereby given that the local government of the City of Wanneroo has initiated the above-mentioned local planning scheme amendment for the purpose of placing zoning, retail floorspace and residential density planning controls into District Planning Scheme No. 2 (DPS 2) over much of the Butler and Ridgewood localities.

The controls to be introduced into DPS 2 through Amendment No. 212 are generally taken from the City’s Butler-Ridgewood Agreed Local Structure Plan No. 27 (ASP 27) and Brighton Village Centre Agreed Local Structure Plan No. 38 (ASP 38). However, some of the controls proposed through Amendment No. 212 do differ from those in ASP 27 and ASP 38.

Following the approval of Amendment No. 212, the City is expecting that the Western Australian Planning Commission will amend ASP 27 an revoke ASP 38.

To Comment

Submit your comments on this planning proposal using the online form below. You can attach additional information (plan, diagrams, photographs etc) via this form.

Please note that for your feedback to be considered, your full contact details must be provided. This information will be treated as confidential and will not be published or linked to your comments in any public report on the outcomes of the consultation.

The City will advise you of the progress of this proposal using the details you provide.

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